Saturday, December 22, 2007

Charlie Wilson's War

If you are a person that is interested in political films this should definitely be on your to see list. The writing is smart, occasionally witty, and except for a small part near the middle keeps at a constant pace. Tom Hanks acting in this is pretty much par for the course however the loss of the Texan accent in the middle of sentences did bother me some. I think this was the best acting from Julia Roberts since Erin Brockovich. Amy Adams and Philip Seymour Hoffman were outstanding supporting actors that deserve every bit of acclaim people have been talking about. There are some scenes with children missing limbs, and talking about the killing that was going on in front of them. Some of the battle scenes in this film are also quite gruesome and should not be viewed by young children. Over all I would give this film an B+. I would grade it higher but with the small drag of storyline in the middle and the loss of the accent through out the movie I really can't.
I'll say right now that this is a film that for many will have them talking about the politics behind it, and while I am a person that is always up for a good political discussion that is not what this page is about so I will not be talking government politics here.

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