Monday, December 8, 2008

Nim's Island

If you are a person that loved the Disney movies of the 60's and 70's then there is a good chance you will like this movie but not love it. Sadly I think that is the closest most people are going to get to this too. While this was a sweet movie some some very good moments there was just something that missed the mark. It was like the studio's found a really good book kind of like a kids Romancing the Stone, added a lot more animals and tossed it together. Acting, and the setting were really well done but the story just wasn't there. While I was watching this film and starting to get bored there were times I thought maybe I was just too old for it but then when looking around and seeing the children in the theatre they also looked bored. In the end this movie just really never gripped me or anyone that I've talked to about it since. I give this movie a C+.
U.S. site
Japanese site

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I still want to watch this reminds me one 2 movies....bridge to Teribethia, which i liked..and spiderwhick crhorniclas which i loved..even though i think this movie still more lean towards bridge 2 to ya mommas house...i still want to watch this these type of movies!