Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Dan in Real Life

I saw this on Monday and I'm still having problems writing this review. I guess I'll start off with saying this was a really well acted film, interesting storyline, and will at times really make you laugh. First problem I am not a fan of film that like to have a lot of those really ultra sweet moments. Few times is fine because you will find those in life, but in this film it seem to happen every few minutes. Second problem with what the trailers had portrayed it seemed to be about a single dad ( Dan/ Steve Carell ) raising 3 girls, and while that is a part of the story it is not the focus of the movie. The film is really about Dan meeting a woman ( Marie / Juiette Binoche ) and falling in love with her soon after. Problem is they can't be together because she is already with someone else. I can't really go in to the story more then that as it will ruin it if you choose to see this. Third and tiny little gripe I have is not all of the things that were in the previews are actually in the movie. I know it's a little thing but it still bothers me. I do love the fact that Dan is suppose to be a advice columnist for parents and does seem to have some basic problems in this area of his own though. So I'm giving this film a B-.
If you see it I would love to know what you think.

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