Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Genre's (should we get so specific?)

I pose the question should we get so specific, be more specific, or maybe loosen the ties a little. The reason I ask this is because I have one friend that refuses to see anything that is called action adventure, but when taken to her first Jackie Chan movie she loved it and didn't understand why she hadn't seen any others. I have another friend that wont see anything deemed as romantic comedy, but when told the movie Miss Conception was a British comedy he was ready to see it.
While it is nice to know what kind of movie I'm walking in to because I just may not be in the mood for a horror or something I think it might be nice to loosen the ties a bit on what we call things. Do we really need the names of rom-com, dramady, and to put everything in to categories. I personally would like a little surprise while watching a movie as well.
What does everyone else think?


Unknown said...

As a guy who enjoys "Guy Movies"...I have learned to broaden my horizons to include the occasional chick-flick/Rom-com.
We're (guys)visual creatures and are naturally attracted to cool special effects, quick-cut editing and physical comedy.
If nothing else, it's QT with my wife and helps her to be more-open minded (Less Eye-rolling) when it comes to watching movies with me.
To be honest, most were just awful...but here are some standouts to get you started.

The Breakup -LOVED the ending on this one
For a good time call (-funny, sexy film...-despite Kevin Smith's presence.)
The Proposal -Anything with Sandra Bullock x Ryan Reynolds is a Great combo1

By the same token here are a few Action movies for chicks:

Any Resident Evil movies
Kill Bill 1 & 2
Sucker punch

victorrey said...

Well said.

The Breakup was a really good movie. The Proposal was also very good though somewhat predictable. I think we all knew the outcome going in but the journey getting there was unexpected at times.
The first Resident Evil movie was pretty good but they lost me after that one. Both Kill Bill's were good and I also liked Sucker Punch. In that same genre I would like to add Scott Pilgrim VS the World. Visuals were really good while the story line was great too. Not thrilled with the ending but you can't have everything.