Thursday, March 8, 2007

United 93

In many ways this was a hard film for me to watch because when the whole September 11Th attacks happened I was still working as a PA for KTVU. The things I saw and heard from everything was really for lack of a better word surreal. Much of that time is still in a haze for me because of the working all the time, running scripts, and cataloging footage. Now years later I'm finding my self needing to take a step back and see things again. First step in doing this was to see United 93. This is story is told in real time from when they first think one plane might be hijacked until united 93 crashes in Pennsylvania. The talking that is in this is very low, and to be honest at first I thought there was something wrong with my speakers until there was one of the explosions and that was very loud. So this film is really about looking at the actions that everyone takes, and the ripple effect that every action causes. This was a well acted film nothing fantastic, but then again it didn't really have any big names in it either. I'm not really sure why there wasn't any big names in this film but I do like that there isn't. This movie is really about focusing on the people and the facts that occurred. Technically this was a fine movie, I will say however I don't really see this as a film with a lot of people would be interested in. Even more because for most of the film you hear talking but it's not really loud enough to understand most of it, that also becomes distracting. I give this film a C+.

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