Thursday, October 16, 2008

Get Smart

The cast list of this film is a mix of all different kinds of actors, being the some of the best in their genre. Base storyline is good, and definitely reflects the show it came from. With all this going for it I was expecting something that would have me laughing all the time, mixed with good action. So what happened? Honestly while there was the funny moment, an the occasional ah-ha moment I was not impressed. Bill Murray's cameo in this film is the best moment and that lasts only about 30 seconds. The over all acting wasn't bad but the writing just wasn't there to pull it all off. In the end when I left the theatre I felt that I should have put my money towards a different movie. I give this film a C+. The only reason it is getting that high of a grade is because of the acting.
U.S. site
U.K. site
France's site
Japan's site

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